InnopRo – Innovation Pathways Romania – 10-11 November 2022, Sinaia – Romania, International Hotel
InnopRo innovation ecosystem network from South-Muntenia Region is an informal network of egional and international stakeholders powered by clusters, universities, public authorities, research institutes, digital hubs, innovation transfer centres, regional development agencies, and other stakeholders interested in promotion and regional competitiveness in a European and international context.
The conference develops thematic areas such as energy, construction, manufacturing industries, agriculture and IT, placing particular emphasis on how global and regional actors interact in the transformation of markets. South-Muntenia Region is a vibrant marketplace with geo-economic strategic advantages in the Danube macro region surrounding Bucharest as a strong poll of competitiveness. Strong competitive profiles are in automotive industry, agri-food, energy, oil and gas, digitalisation.
The first edition of the conference is addressed to all national and international stakeholders interested in reshaping industrial pathways in Europe through regional lenses, and to identify projects, investment opportunities and business development. We are inviting companies, public authorities, experts, financial institutions, clusters, the business environment, interested in the sustainable development of their businesses and better understanding of the new trends in the context of accelerated transformations related to geopolitical, climatic, and technological changes. Our vision is to promote sustainable communities of practices able to co-create and reshape new value chains in selected areas.