The DREAM Open Call is focused on the applications of digital technologies into manufacturing environment, with the overall aim to demonstrate how digital technologies can support the green transition of manufacturing processes.
Projects proposed to the DREAM Open Call shall gather at least one SME representing the digital side (technology offer) AND another entity representing the industry side (demand) which could be a machine or tool manufacturer or an end user with manufacturing activities.
Collaborative consortium applying to the DREAM Open Call will have to demonstrate how the implementation of innovative digital technologies support the green transition of manufacturing processes, especially concerning the improved and more efficient use of resources (energy, water, supplies, materials).
Projects proposed to the DREAM Open Call shall gather at least one SME representing the digital side (technology offer) AND another entity representing the industry side (demand) which could be a machine or tool manufacturer or an end user with manufacturing activities.
The DREAM Open Call will provide financial support to two different types of actions, namely:
Prototyping action will target companies having already carried out a feasibility study, and having the need to develop a prototype, to spend efforts in miniaturisation, testing, experimentation, MVP building, etc. (TRL 6).
Demonstration action will target companies having already developed and tested a prototype, with the need to demonstrate its efficiency on a larger scale, in real environment (TRL 7-8).